Official Site® |® | Getting Started - Ledger

Welcome to®

Welcome to®, the official site to begin your journey with Ledger. Whether you're new to Ledger devices or upgrading, this platform provides essential resources for setting up and managing your Ledger hardware wallets securely.

Comprehensive Setup and Management

Setting Up Your Ledger Device® guides you through the straightforward setup process of your Ledger device. From unboxing to configuring your wallet, follow step-by-step instructions to ensure your cryptocurrencies are safely stored.

Ledger Live Crypto Wallet App

Explore Ledger Live, the official app for managing your digital assets. Available for desktop and mobile, Ledger Live offers a user-friendly interface to send, receive, and monitor various cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, and more.

Secure and Reliable Crypto Management

Advanced Security Features

With®, benefit from Ledger's robust security measures, including offline storage and PIN protection, ensuring your funds remain safe from cyber threats.

Educational Resources and Support

Access educational materials and customer support to enhance your understanding and optimize your Ledger experience. Stay informed with updates and insights to make informed decisions regarding your crypto assets.


Begin your secure crypto management journey with confidence at®. Whether you're protecting your investments or exploring new opportunities, Ledger provides the tools and support you need to navigate the digital asset landscape effectively.